IT’S BEEN TEN YEARS since I published my memoirs. My overriding motivation back then was figuring out how to turn years of storytelling and my rather amazing memory into written words.
My thinking was I would work on developing an autobiography through a collection of essays with the goal of offering my life experiences and passing them on to my two sons, Rob, and Dave. It was my way of offering a record of my existence.
Yes, that was my basic thought.
I began my endeavor by developing a list of over one hundred happy memories and the people and circumstances that were involved. I would use the extensive list as lead-ins to write my life stories. Hell, this had to be easier than going to a psychologist and driveling on and on – at least I hoped.
I wanted my boys to get to know me as a person, not just as their father. I needed to become a writer to record these stories and was determined to learn the craft.
In those early days, thankfully I stumbled upon a few tutorials. One of the most important for me was The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. https://juliacameronlive.com/basic-tools/morning-pages/ She mentored me with the discipline needed to write; and even after a decade of working at it almost every day, I go back to her book every few months to keep me on track. She offers many tools for the art of writing in a most engaging format.
I now have a few non-fiction books published and a writer’s blog where I offer glimpses of a most agreeable lifestyle along the coast of NW Michigan. It took lots of practice and editing (less verbiage is best) before my proficiency emerged over the decade. Now, my daily writing keeps me centered, it is truly an anchoring aspect in my life – one of my better habits. Writing brings me joy and makes me proud. It allows me to smile after I find delight in most circumstances.
Over the last decade, I attended workshops, and book signings, and introduced authors but never got the urge to attempt to promote my books. I enjoy public speaking and am pretty good at it, so, it isn’t for fear of audiences. Maybe I like my privacy? I like to read about authors who become popular after their deaths. That is more my speed. And yes, I’ve completed my Five Wishes and reviewed them with my sons – the wishes are short and sweet.