IN EARLY JANUARY MY NEWEST GRANDBOY was born in Hinsdale, Illinois. George was the third boy in my youngest son Dave’s expanding family spearheaded by Liz an amazing mother, wife, and influencer. You can follow all the joys and challenges they are facing with their family at Buy something through their site because that’s how they make a living by earning commissions on selling goods. How nice is that!
I was delayed in holding this new little bundle for months while I waited to receive my Covid vaccinations during the late winter in Traverse City. I’m still smiling at the efficiency Meijer’s pharmacy staff lent in handling the masses of seniors that shuffled through their aisles to receive their shots. After the rather painless shot I sat 15 minutes on a most uncomfortable folding chair in the toy aisle to assure the powers to be that I wasn’t experiencing any adverse reactions. My schoolchild mentality came to me wanting to sprawl all over the floor convulsing, but as usual maturity won out and I sat quietly observing the herd and the toys. A talking Elmo from Sesame Street fame was my main interest. On the second visit Elmo had gone on sale looking as though he was starting to age.
Earlier in April I was finally introduced to George during a visit to Mount Pleasant SC in his new home. It was a delight to see the miracle baby and the changing family that he is so fortunate to be part of. Because of all the boys in the line-up Liz is adjusting her world to worms and mud and baseball bats. She is doing a yeoman’s duty. Deep breaths and counting to three are all part of this new chapter.
A blessing for sure!