ADDING HUMOR TO YOUR DAILY LIFE can lead to many benefits. Research suggests it sparks energy, boosts brain power, improves immunity, curbs stress, and enhances mood.1 Wow, what a payout! Maybe I’m on the right track. Imagine a mood enhancer featuring humor and not drugs or alcohol.
I like intelligent humor that intermingles wit, charm, and charisma. I’m not particularly fond of brash female comedians, crass one-liners, or dirty jokes. Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David used creativity and humor in their sitcoms performing at the highest level. They were my cup of tea.
I recently watched Sir Ken Robinson, a TED host, give an impressive presentation that featured humor at its best. In his talk, he radiates charisma, wit, and charm with such fun. He personifies my definition of a humorist and what is truly funny.
He used all these attributes to frame an intelligent talk where he questions how we educate our children today and how we have stifled creativity in our educational curriculums. Upon his passing (2020), he gifted us with an endowed foundation whose mission is to embrace creativity on an equal footing with literacy in educating our youth.
This twenty-minute video is worth viewing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iG9CE55wbtY
Another spin I found states that humor enhances one's sex life. Now that is real humor in my book. It must have skipped over me. 2
Here’s to humor, laughing, and intelligence.
1 Time Magazine May 8, 2023.
2 Psychology Today https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/humor-sapiens/201504/good-in-bed-funny-men-give-more-orgasms