IT SEEMS THAT THIS COVID-19 has me grumpier than normal.
I am not sure that my friends are familiar with this newer state, because I have pretty much been hiding for months and my rather expressive face has been under the mask when I am out and about.
It is my own internal voice complaining and reeling from the constant news about this pandemic. To combat this newer orientation, I will use my power to set the stage of my recovery.
I will go fishing in one of our rivers with my new Orvis rod.
I will go play a best ball trying to match par on each hole at my golf course all by myself.
I will finally attend to my messy counter and file months of forgotten receipts.
I will participate in curbside pickup of books that is now available at my library.
I will turn over the grassy soil in my garden and make room for some new perennials.
Now folks, how can I remain grumpy with all these challenges?
Certainly not for long.