CABBAGE IS A SURPRISING discovery for me; its versatility is evident in the recipes I will try this winter. The above photo is a variety known as “pointed cabbage.” I think it resembles an enlarged heart.
I bought it from 9 Bean Rows at their booth in the Farmer’s Market at the Mercato where they reside on Saturdays in the winter. It will be used in a few dishes I’m preparing in January.
Cole Slaw was my main exposure to cabbage over the years. I also remember eating cabbage rolls at an event near Three Rivers during graduate school. That was the extent of my experiences with cabbage. This will change as I embrace these newer recipes.
My year-long diet reboot is about making positive behavioral changes; Cabbage in recipes falls under this newer culinary awakening. My goal is to knock off thirty pounds by June 1st. I’m over halfway there, surviving a minor setback over the holidays, with twelve pounds to go. Yes, I am both counting calories and journaling.
Cabbage has various health benefits and comes to my table with only a few calories; it has entered my culinary universe.
Cabbage Recipes I’m Trying in January
Quick Sauerkraut
Red Cabbage Kielbasa
Cabbage Soup
Cole Slaw
Turkey and Cabbage Casserole