HERE IT IS LATE AUGUST and I have been enjoying weeks of fresh corn, tomatoes, and peaches. I am very thankful for the local producers that set out their small stands along the highways in northern Michigan. These purveyors of soil and seeds with their agrarian skills are to be congratulated. We are fortunate to have them in our midst selling the fresh bounty from their toil.
I am now looking forward to September.
I will be placing garden mums and pumpkins on my front porch. It is my favorite time of the year. It is much more suited to my liking because I get to wear sweatshirts and blue jeans enjoying my porch sitting on the wicker chair greeting the cooler weather as it arrives. I am most thankful, especially what morning brings.
On my walk today several things came to me.
I noticed the milkweed pods were plumping up in their bright green wrap looking as if they could use a good shave. Striped caterpillars were on the leaves of summer annuals eating their way to their transformation into our beautiful Monarchs.
I’ve noticed the Goldenrod has taken over once cultivated gardens throughout the town showing their most persistent and dominant growth habit. Fall Asters are beginning to appear in corners of my own garden, soon they will display their majestic purple hues. All is well. Just as it’s been for ages. I love the show.
I also observed a Bald Eagle this morning perched in the top of our village’s largest white pine and minutes later I caught a glimpse of a hummingbird working the orange flowers of a Trumpet Vine that had cascaded over the neighbor’s fence. I’m thinking the hummingbird could annoy the eagle if their paths ever crossed. Two completely different mannerisms found in my feathered friends.
Thank you, Mother Nature, for sharing all your creations on this late August day.
The milkweed and goldenrod was much easier to capture in a photo than that bald eagle and is just as splendid.