MY BELIEF IS SOMEDAY WHEN I AM SIX FEET UNDER my essays will be discovered. Yes, they'll go viral, as they say, catapulting me into fame. My dream of becoming the 21st century Mark Twain, or Will Rodgers, will have come true.
I’m kidding a little.
But these thoughts do come to me on occasion when I’m having visions of grandeur, usually after a cocktail.
I write because I enjoy its centering effect. Yes, that’s it. It has become a truly anchoring aspect of my life, one of my better habits. It is also my therapy in recovery from life’s bumps and bruises. It makes me proud.
I must thank Julia Cameron, an author, that helped mentor these writing habits. She just happened to be at the right place, at the right time, helping inspire my writing. I have thanked her before in my published works, and now, I do again. Such a life coach she is for me.
My oldest son Rob, after I announced to my family that I was going to write my memoirs, sent me a quote from the great author, Ernest Hemingway. It was Hemingway's answer to an interviewer’s inquiry about what it takes to be a writer. “There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” I studied this line and began to realize what a pearl it was in fostering my own efforts. Thank you, Rob, and Ernest, and Julia.