MY GIRLFRIEND AND I HAVE MADE A PACT. We have agreed to support each other in exploring our region to satisfy our curiosity in simply getting out and about.
I am told such behavior in seniors is a strong determinant in delaying the onset of dementia. So, finding places to visit in our greater "up north" neighborhood has materialized and adds a vein of richness to our lives and hopefully will help us keep our wits about us.
It has become clear that many new places have sprung up during the two-year pandemic and these places are now on the bucket list that we are beginning to visit. We have favorite old spots that we frequent but we love to mix the new with the old. It keeps us on our toes.
We are so lucky to live and work along M-22 taking in all the lifestyle offerings from Traverse City to Manistee. We are most thankful.
The spots targeted this week in NW Michigan in late February are:
Farm Club -
Fischer’s Happy Hour - (winter break until April)
North Country Grill & Pub -
I’ll let you know about them if I can locate them on my GPS and can remember to post a new blog that will certainly draw my attention away from playing the daily Wordle puzzle.